Brewer, university partner on Gorilla beer
The word “Gorilla” pops up everywhere in Pittsburg: on license plates, on banners, on apparel worn by all ages, and on menu items ranging from burritos to coffee beans to crepes. Starting in August, it also will be on beer.
Alumna set to give back to PSU in leadership role
After earning a degree that set her on her life’s path, Angie Saporito (BS '04) is giving back. On July 1, she stepped up to serve as president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
PSU students win national competition
Armed with what they learned in the classroom and the support and encouragement of their teachers, Pittsburg State University students brought home national wins this summer at a competition hosted by Phi Beta Lambda, the largest business career and technical organization in the world.
World champion drag racer featured in special event at Block22
Two-time NHRA World Champion racer Megan Meyer Lingner, a 2015 graduate of Pittsburg State University’s College of Technology, was back in Pittsburg on July 14 for an event at Block22 in downtown Pittsburg.
Makerspace provides high schoolers chance to gain coding skills
High school sophomores Cohen Frankenbery and Ben Turner both have an interest in coding — a skill that is in demand and could help them easily land a job one day.
Interested in becoming a veterinarian? Unique experiences at PSU help.
Sure, GPA matters when you’re applying to veterinarian school. A decent GRE score also helps. But it’s equally important to have experience working with animals in a professional setting and networking with those in the field.
Upcoming Events
August 4
Joplin After Hours Gorilla Gathering
August 18
Tulsa After Hours Gorilla Gathering
August 25
Crawford Co. After Hours Gorilla Gathering
August 29 - Sept. 2
Paint the Town Red Week
September 1
Gorilla Football vs. Central Missouri
Support PSU
The Bicknell Family Center for the Arts has been instrumental in the University’s mission to provide transformational experiences, and it will continue to serve the region for generations to come with your support.
Ride with Gorilla Pride
Invest in a license plate and support future Gorillas! Available in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Four States Music Festival
The inaugural Four States Music Festival on Pittsburg State's campus will take place on Friday, September 16th, 2022.
Other Calendars
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